Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Living Small

The topic of living small has come up a number of times over the last couple of weeks so I thought I'd share this article: The art of Living in Small Places.

When you start thinking about the idea's behind small living, you naturally start with questions: Does living small mean living without? How is quality of life affected? Do I really need all this crap? How much do I really need to survive without feeling like I'm deprived? How small is small? What is too big?

Do I have answers? No. Well, at least not answers that I'm willing to stand behind 100%. What I do know is that I would like to own my own home some day and with the housing market being what it is, some creative solutions will have to come into play to either be able to afford something or to creatively some up with solutions so you don't have to worry about the money aspect too much.

So, my first questions to myself that I want to answer? Do I really need all this crap? And how much do I really need to survive without feeling like I'm deprived?

Answers coming soon!

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